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>>A controversial ski gondola stirs up the snow in Utah
City Weekly - January 2013
Oil Shale/Tar Sands Press Document
>>Avoiding a Risky Gamble With Our National Parks
National Parks Conservation Association - April 2012
Run for the Green Runner's World - November 2008
>>Knowing your impact as a runner
[pdf] How to be a Greener Runner
[pdf] Trimming your Carbon Footprint
Greening Your Ride
>>10 ways to save gas and money
Women's Health - August 2008
Earth Shakers: The Counter-Enviro Power List
>>Profiles of 3 nature-haters
Outside - May 2005
[pdf] [html]
ANWR Showdown
>>Reporting on a crucial Senate vote
Outside - February 2005
From Damage Control to Abandon Ship: The British Admiralty and the Decline of Royal Navy Battleships: 1939-1960
MSc. by Research - University of Edinburgh, 2001
[html] [pdf]
The Fire This Time: Development Conflict in Newark, New Jersey
B.A. magna cum laude - Harvard University, 2000